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Wednesday, March 23, 2016


The basic blocks of a computer are CPU (Central Processing Unit) or Processor, Memory and I/O (Input-Output) device.
                    Due to advances in semiconductor technology, it is possible to fabricate the CPU  on one or more than one chips. The result is the microprocessor. Both MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) and Bipolar technologies can be used in this fabrication process. The CPU can be placed on a single chip when MOS technology is used. When Bipolar Technology is used, then a number of chips are required.
Microprocessor is the CPU of the Microcomputer.
Microcomputer consists of microprocessor as CPU, memory and I/O (Input-Output) device.

Microprocessor contains ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit), Control Unit and several registers.
ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations on two n-bit digital words.
Note: The size of ALU defines the size of microprocessor.
Example: Motorola 68000 is a 16-bit microprocessor because its ALU is 16 bits wide.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Question on Pointers:

main( )
int i = 3 ;
printf ( "\nAddress of i = %u", &i ) ;
printf ( "\nValue of i = %d", i ) ;
printf ( "\nValue of i = %d", *( &i ) ) ;

Question on Pointers

Question for your concept:

What will be the output of the following program?
   int a, *p;
   p= &a;
   printf("%d %d %d", a, p, *p);

Assume address of variable a=100000H.

a. 100, 100000H, 100               b. 100000H,100,100

c. 100, 100000H,100000H       d. None

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Question for your concept.

What is the output of following code:
void main()
  int i;
a. 0,1,2,3,4       b. 1,2,3,4,5
c. 1,2,3,4          d. error

Monday, March 14, 2016

Java Notes


Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle Corporation) and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than either of them. The latest version is Java 8.

History of Java
James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initiated the Java language project in June 1991.[20] Java was originally designed for interactive television, but it was too advanced for the digital cable television industry at the time.[21] The language was initially called Oak after an oak tree that stood outside Gosling's office. Later the project went by the name Green and was finally renamed Java, from Java coffee (Java coffee refers to coffee beans produced in the Indonesian island of Java. Java (Indonesian: Jawa) is an island of Indonesia). Gosling designed Java with a C/C++-style syntax that system and application programmers would find familiar.[23]
Sun Microsystems released the first public implementation as Java 1.0 in 1995.

A Java virtual machine (JVM) is an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run a Javaprogram. There are three notions of the JVM: specification, implementation, and instance. The specification is a document that formally describes what is required of a JVM implementation. Having a single specification ensures all implementations are interoperable. A JVM implementation is a computer program that meets the requirements of the JVM specification. An instance of a JVM is an implementation running in a process that executes a computer program compiled into Java bytecode.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a software package that contains what is required to run a Java program. It includes a Java Virtual Machine implementation together with an implementation of the Java Class Library. The Oracle Corporation, which owns the Java trademark, distributes a Java Runtime environment with their Java Virtual Machine called HotSpot.
Java Development Kit (JDK) is a superset of a JRE and contains also tools for Java programmers, e.g. ajavac compiler. Java Development Kit is provided free of charge either by Oracle Corporation directly, or by the OpenJDK open source project, which is governed by Oracle.

JAR (Java Archive) is a package file format typically used to aggregate many Java class files and associated metadataand resources (text, images, etc.) into one file to distribute application software or libraries on the Java platform.
JAR files are fundamentally archive files, built on the ZIP file format and have the .jar file extension. Computer users can create or extract JAR files using the jar command that comes with a JDK. They can also use zip tools to do so; however, the order of entries in the zip file headers is important when compressing, as the manifest often needs to be first. Inside a JAR, file names are unicode text
How to define a class in Java?

General Syntax
class <class_name>

             data member(s)/variable(s);

class Sum
int a,b;
            void result()
                        int c;
The above class has name Sum that consists of two variables a, b and two functions Sum() and result().
            Here Sum() is a constructor function that (i) has the same name as of the class name in which it belongs, (ii) it has no return type, not even void, (iii) it is used to initialize or supplies the values into the variables.
How to define an object in Java?
1.      Declare a reference variable that can hold the address of any object.
2.      Allocate the space for the object and store the address of the object into reference variable.

General Syntax
<class name> <reference variable name>;
<reference variable name>=new constructor(parameter if any);
Sum p;
p=new Sum();

How To compile a .java file and how to execute it ?
 If we have a .java file for example, then to compile this file we need to type
After compilation of this source file Hello.class file will be created. To execute this Hello.class file we need to type 
java Hello

Garbage Collection
Since objects are dynamically allocated by using the new operator, you might be wondering how such objects are destroyed and their memory released for later reallocation. In some languages, such as C++, dynamically allocated objects must be manually released by use of a delete operator. Java takes a different approach; it handles deallocation for you automatically. The technique that accomplishes this is called garbage collection. It works like this: when no references to an object exist, that object is assumed to be no longer needed, and the memory occupied by the object can be reclaimed. There is no explicit need to destroy objects as in C++.

Primitive Data Types

Java supports eight basic data types known as primitive types. In addition, it supports classes and arrays as composite data types, or reference types. The primitive types are: a boolean type, a character type, four integer types, and two floating-point types. The four integer types and the two floating-point types differ in the number of bits that represent them, and therefore in the range of numbers they can represent. Table 2-2 summarizes these primitive data types.
true or false
1 bit
Unicode character
16 bits
\u0000 to \uFFFF
Signed integer
8 bits
-128 to 127
Signed integer
16 bits
-32768 to 32767
Signed integer
32 bits
-2147483648 to 2147483647
Signed integer
64 bits
-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
IEEE 754 floating point
32 bits
±1.4E-45 to ±3.4028235E+38
IEEE 754 floating point
64 bits
±4.9E-324 to ±1.7976931348623157E+308

The Java Keywords
There are 50 keywords currently defined in the Java language (see Table 2-1). These keywords,
combined with the syntax of the operators and separators, form the foundation of the Java
language. These keywords cannot be used as names for a variable, class, or method.

Inheritance means gaining the characteristic from previous generation to current generation. In object oriented world, if a new class wants some members those were already defined in some old class, then instead of rewriting the code in new class, it gains them from old class. This gaining of members from old class by a new class is called as inheritance in object oriented world.
            The old class from where inheritance is done is called “super class” or “base class” and the new class that actually inherits is called “subclass” or “derived class”.
There are basically 4 types of inheritance in object oriented world:
1.      Single Level Inheritance
2.      MultiLevel Inheritance
3.      Multiple Inheritance
4.      Hierarchical Inheritance
Note: Java does not support multiple inheritance with respect to classes.

Example of Single level Inheritance

class A
       A(int p,int q)
       void area()
              System.out.println("Area= "+(a*b));

class B extends A
       int c;
       B(int p,intq,int r)
       void volume()
              System.out.println("Volume= "+(a*b*c));

public class TestSingleInheritance
       public static void main(String args[])
              B b=new B(5,6,8);
Here we callB() constructor inside main function by passing three parameters. Then first two parameters are used by B() constructor for calling A() constructor so that data members a and b get initialized.
            In order to call the superclass constructor under the subclass constructor super keyword is used that must be placed at the first line in the subclass constructor and takes parameters same as of defined in superclass constructor.
The third parameter C is initialized inside B() constructor.
Example of Multi-level Inheritance

class A
       int a;
       A(int p)
       void areaSquare()
              System.out.println("Area of square= "+(a*a));

class B extends A
       int b;
       B(int p,int q)
       void areaRectangle()
              System.out.println("areaRectangle= "+(a*b));

class C extends B
       int c;
       C(int p,int q,int r)
       void volume()
              System.out.println("Volume= "+(a*b*c));


public class TestMultilevelInheritance
       public static void main(String args[])
              C x=new C(5,6,8);

Method Overloading
If a method name or function name is used for multiple purposes, then this method name is said to be overloaded like a person. This is called method overloading or function overloading.
              For example if the function name area is used for calculating the area of a circle as well as a rectangle, then this function name is used for multiple purposes. So, here method area() is said to be overloaded.

Note: Since it is handled by compiler, it is called as “Static Polymorphism”.

General Criteria for method overloading:
Multiple functions must have the same name but different parameters (difference in parameters exist in their types as well as in their numbers).

Different ways to overload the method

There are two ways to overload the method in java

  1. By changing number of arguments
  2. By changing the data type

Note: In java method overloading is not possible by changing the retuen type of the method.

1)Example of Method Overloading by changing the no. of arguments

In this example, we have created two overloaded methods, first sum method performs addition of two numbers and second sum method performs addition of three numbers.
class Calculation{  
  void sum(int a,int b){System.out.println(a+b);}  
  void sum(int a,int b,int c){System.out.println(a+b+c);}  
class  Test 
  public static void main(String args[]){  
   Calculation obj=new Calculation();  


2)Example of Method Overloading by changing data type of argument

In this example, we have created two overloaded methods that differs in data type. The first sum method receives two integer arguments and second sum method receives two double arguments.
  1. class Calculation2{  
  2.   void sum(int a,int b){System.out.println(a+b);}  
  3.   void sum(double a,double b){System.out.println(a+b);}  
  5.   public static void main(String args[]){  
  6.   Calculation2 obj=new Calculation2();  
  7.   obj.sum(10.5,10.5);  
  8.   obj.sum(20,20);  
  10.   }  
  11. }  


Que) Why Method Overloaing is not possible by changing the return type of method?

In java, method overloading is not possible by changing the return type of the method because there may occur ambiguity. Let's see how ambiguity may occur:
because there was problem:
  1. class Calculation3{  
  2.   int sum(int a,int b){System.out.println(a+b);}  
  3.   double sum(int a,int b){System.out.println(a+b);}  
  5.   public static void main(String args[]){  
  6.   Calculation3 obj=new Calculation3();  
  7.   int result=obj.sum(20,20); //Compile Time Error  
  9.   }  
  10. }  
int result=obj.sum(20,20); //Here how can java determine which sum() method should be called

Can we overload main() method?

Yes, by method overloading. You can have any number of main methods in a class by method overloading. Let's see the simple example:
  1. class Overloading1{  
  2.   public static void main(int a){  
  3.   System.out.println(a);  
  4.   }  
  6.   public static void main(String args[]){  
  7.   System.out.println("main() method invoked");  
  8.   main(10);  
  9.   }  
  10. }  
Output:main() method invoked

Method Overriding

If a subclass contains a method with same definition as of a method defined in superclass, then ultimately after inheritance the subclass naturally holds two methods with same definition (definition means return type, method name and parameters).
        But in reality, during execution time, the subclass body of the function will replace the superclass body and ultimately only one function exists in subclass i.e. the subclass version. This is called method overriding.

Note: Since it is resolved during execution time, it is called as “Dynamic Polymorphism or Runtime Polymorphism”.

 Final and abstract keyword in inheritance:

Final Keyword:

Final data members/variables:
If a data member is declared with final keyword, then it behaves as constant i.e. we can’t change the value of this data member.

   final static double pi=3.14;
            Here static keyword is used with final since only one copy of constant member is sufficient. All object can access the constant value from there.
           If we declare final variable without static keyword, then individual copy will be created for each object i.e., nothing but space wastage. Since all copies have same value.

Final member function:
If a member function is defined with final keyword, then it behaves as constant i.e. we can’t override it.

  final void show()
            System.out.println(“I am  here”);


Final class:
If a class is declared with final keyword, then it behaves as constant i.e. no other class can inherit it.
  final class Test


Note: We can create the object of the final class.
Abstract Keyword:

Abstract variable:
By default all variables are implicitly abstract i.e., we can change their values.
int p;
Or ,
abstract int p;

Abstract method:
Abstratc method has abstract keyword in its definition for which overriding must be done.

abstract void show();

Abstract class:
A class declared with abstract keyword that contains  at least one abstract method is called as abstract class for which inheritance is must.
abstract  class Test
            void show1()
                        System.out.println(“I am  here”);
            abstract void show2();

      i.        Note: Abstract class may contain concrete method (method with body).
    ii.        Note: We can’t create object of abstract class directly.

Utility of abstract method:


In order to provide common layout Java provides a unit known as interface that can hold only constant data members and abstract methods.

How to define interface?
General Syntax

Interface <interface_name>

            Constant data member(s)/variable(s);
            Abstract method(s)/function(s);


interface Salary
final static double x=0.15;
final static double y=0.15;
void show();


      i.        Note: Like abstract class, we can’t create the object of interface directly.
    ii.        Note: Here the method definition requires no abstract keyword (it is implicitly abstract).


Package is a collection of classes and interfaces. Package may be system defined as well as user can create their own packages called user-defined packages.
                   Multiple system defined packages collectively called as JSL( java standard library) or Java API ( Application  Programming Interface).